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How to Start a Podcast on Spotify and Rock the Airwaves with Your Own Show

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Podcasts have emerged as a really popular medium of communication.

The credit could go to its easy accessibility, on-demand availability, and quick and seamless way of connecting with your audience with unique stories. They’re perfect for educating, inspiring, and entertaining the masses through the power of voice and storytelling. 

Because of the spike in popularity, it’s no surprise that streaming platforms like Spotify have become home to some of the best podcasts out there. The music app provides an open-to-all stage to start and run a successful podcast.

In just one go, you can reach hundreds and thousands, if not millions, of users and share your stories with the world 🌏.

Do you want to start your podcasts on Spotify and rock the airwaves with your show? In this comprehensive guide, we will go over everything you need to know about starting a podcast on Spotify and becoming a sensation (not overnight, though.)

Let’s dive right in.

What are Podcasts?


Podcasts have become a household name of late, mainly among Gen X and Gen Z. Podcasts are audio programs that can be tuned into from anywhere, anytime.

“So, you mean like a radio show?” 📻 Nope. Podcasts differ vastly from radio shows because they can be listened to on demand. There’s no specific time to tune in. It’s basically a talk radio show on demand.

Podcasts are focused on a specific theme. You can choose any niche for your podcast, such as:

  • Fiction
  • Drama
  • Business
  • Self-help
  • Politics
  • Health
  • Interviews
  • Sports
  • True Crime
  • Comedy
  • Feel-good
  • Investigative Journalism
  • Pop Culture
  • Religion

And many, many more. Podcasts allow your creativity to run wild and share your theme or topic through captivating storytelling. And if you are a techie, why not make your niche tech podcasts?

Why are they so popular? Here’s why.


#1. Listen from Anywhere, Anytime 🎧

Unlike radio shows, podcasts do not pose any geographical or time restrictions. You could live in one part of the world and listen to a “Podcaster” share their stories from another without any geographical barriers, tangible or intangible.

Moreover, you don’t have to tune into podcast episodes “live,” as they’re pre-recorded audio. You can listen to them anytime, at your own pace, and engage with them when you see fit. The time and location freedom of podcasts has made it a popular type of content.

#2. Builds Community 👥

Whether you’re a bookaholic who wants to discuss their readings with like-minded people, or a homemaker who wants to share a secret recipe for the best spaghetti in the world, you can find your tribe through a podcast.

By creating podcasts, you can attract the ears of people interested in your content and want to learn more about it. This way, you can develop a community full of people that make you feel at home – a safe place to share anything and everything. This is what makes it a good marketing tool, too, for small to big businesses.

#3. Provides Entertainment and Education ✍🏻

Podcasts are not only designed to entertain but also educate. You can find various shows that invite guests that possess knowledge about a topic and where they are encouraged to share their wisdom while also adding a tinge of humor to promote engagement.

These shows make learning complex topics fun and engaging, which makes them highly popular for 12–34 years olds.

For these reasons and many more, podcasts have become the go-to entertainment medium for many people. Loads of platforms provide you the stage to share your stories, one of the best being Spotify.

How to Reach Your Audience?

Spotify boasts an estimated user base of over 517.69 million worldwide as of 2023. Of these, about 229 million are premium subscribers. These numbers are steadily projected to rise as Spotify becomes the go-to destination for audio creators.

Source: Bankmycell

In 2023, about 95 million people are estimated to tune into Spotify podcasts monthly. Due to the rising interest of people in podcasts, more and more creators are leveraging the reach of Spotify and starting their shows. Now, more than 5 million podcast titles are available on the platform, including trending topics like AI and Machine Learning podcasts.

The number of Spotify users, including “active” monthly users, makes it the prime spot for creators to let their creativity flow. If you’re someone who has a panache for storytelling and want to start your podcast channel on Spotify, here’s how you can reach your target audience through this platform:

#1 Define Your Niche 🎯

Begin by deciding the niche or theme of your podcast. Once you have figured out the general theme of the show, delve deeper into your research and see what topics you can include in your show, like the tone, the elements to include, etc.

Understanding your niche inside out will help define your target audience and reach them much more effectively. 

#2 Perform Market Research 🔎

Understand your prospective audience by doing market research. You can ask your audience what topics you can explore in the podcast and what themes they would be most interested in. Come up with a tentative plan and ask for feedback from your friends and family. 

You could also create a survey to tap into your potential audience’s needs, desires, and pain points. To help you along, you can use podcast tools to get you started with podcasting.

Another way to get insights about your audience is to listen to successful podcasts in the same niche and see what kind of content they make.

#3 Create an Audience Persona đź‘¤

The best way to create an audience persona is by asking yourself these questions and finding the answers to them:

  • What does your ideal listener like listening to?
  • What are their likes and dislikes?
  • What are their ages, and where do they live?
  • What are desires and problems, passions and hobbies?

By creating a general demographic of your target audience and figuring out the specifics of their lifestyle, you can design an audience persona to curate content that directly relates to their needs.

Research is key to creating a successful podcast. Once that is out of the way, you can get down to creating the perfect podcast for your target audience.

How to Start a Podcast on Spotify 

You’re halfway there once you have decided to start your podcast on Spotify. Here’s everything you need to do before starting a podcast on the world’s leading music platform:

Step 1: First things first, you can either select a third-party podcast hosting platform or upload your podcasts manually on Spotify.

A third-party hosting platform helps you record, edit, and distribute your podcasts to Spotify and other platforms if needed.

Not to mention, many third-party hosting platforms also make it easier to meet Spotify’s requirements automatically, meaning, you do not have to pull your hair out in frustration trying to meet every requirement manually.

Here are some of the best hosting platforms for your podcast:

However, for this guide, we’ll be using Spotify’s free hosting (formerly known as Anchor.)

Step 2: Create a free account on Spotify for Podcasters if you don’t have one already.


Step 3: Once you’re logged in, click on the New Episode button and select Create an episode. 


Step 4: From here, you can either upload the recorded audio from your system or record one on the spot by clicking on the Record now button. Additionally, you can also record a video for it using Riverdale.

Step 5: After recording or uploading your audio file, you can rename and edit it however you like using the built-in tools. It allows you to perform basic editing tasks, such as splitting unnecessary parts and adding royalty-free music.

Moreover, you can use the episode builder to fine-tune your episodes and position each audio wherever you like.

Step 6: Once you’ve previewed the episodes and are satisfied with your podcast and its length, you can click Save episode to be prompted to the next page, where you can add finishing touches, such as the title, description, episode type, content category, episode art, etc.

Step 7: After completing all the information, click Publish now to make your podcast live.


And you’re all done! Your podcast is now live on one of the biggest podcast streaming platforms.

Having a problem with your web player? Here are ways to troubleshoot Spotify Web Player not working.

How to Monetize Your Podcast on Spotify

Your podcast is live and is getting the traction you deserve. Now what? You should probably get some money out of it. The good news is it’s incredibly simple and straightforward. Here are some of the many ways of monetizing your podcast on Spotify:


#1. Automated Ads

Automated ads are an excellent way to make money from Spotify’s hosting platform. It connects advertisers with listeners through Spotify’s Audience Network.

Although to leverage this monetization option, you would need a significant Spotify following and offer a unique listening experience to your audience.

This option is only available in the US at the moment on an invite-only basis.

#2. Ambassador Ads

If you’ve loved using Spotify for Podcasters, you can vouch for it, spread the word to your audience, and get paid for it.

It’s a great way to make money from your podcasts. However, you’d need to have published at least 1 episode and at least 100 listeners in the last 60 days. Oh, you also need to be located in the US.

#3. Podcast Subscriptions

Once your podcast has gained enough traction, you can monetize it by offering a paid subscription to your content to maximize your revenue and boost discoverability. The larger the audience, the more revenue. 

In order to be eligible for this monetization option, you need to have at least 2 published episodes. It’s currently available in select countries and regions.

#4. Listener Support 

If you’re a budding podcast creator with a small but loyal following, you can be open for recurring monetary donations from your audience and get listener support to keep your podcast running smoothly.

To enable this option, you must have published at least 2 episodes and be located in the US.

Closing Thoughts

Podcasts are the up-and-coming medium of mass communication that educates, inspires, and entertains through audio/video appeal. Many a guide to finding podcast ideas can be easily found online to help you with content creation blocks.

The best part is – anybody with an idea can start a podcast with little to no initial investment. All you need to invest is your time and patience, and you can steadily attract a following while earning money from it.

Next, check out the best podcast editing software to release flawless episodes.

This article was reviewed by Joy Bhamre
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