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12 Resources to Learn Python for Beginners

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Looking to learn a new language kills beginners’ time. We heard your voice, and here is the curated list of the best resources to learn Python.

This article helps you to find beginner-friendly resources to learn the most popular programming language – Python.

Why should we learn Python?

Many people now want to learn the hot programming language, i.e., Python. Some of them have a reason, and others don’t.

Before going to learn any programming language, question yourself that why are you going to learn it? This question gives you some clarity. And know what you can do if you teach yourself that programming language. Most probably, those two questions provide a clear idea about the plans for learning it.

It’s a good practice to know the features of programming language that you are interested to learn. And what works it can do for you? We are going to see all of them.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted, and open-source language. Python supports both object-oriented and procedural programming paradigms.

Let’s see the features of Python, which make it one of the top programming languages.

English like Syntax

The syntax of Python is so comfortable for beginners. If you read the Python code, you will get the feeling of reading English. It reduced the stress of remembering the syntax. If you don’t believe me see the below code snippet.

a = 1
b = 1
if a is b:
a = 2000
print("Yeah!") if a % 2 == 0 else print("No!")

You will get to know the greatness of Python once you get into it.


Python comes with a bulk number of built-in modules and libraries. There is an ocean of libraries for the Python programming language. Modules and libraries make the life of a programmer easier. They help to solve problems that can’t be solved with the standard features of Python.

Dynamically Typed

It’s a dynamically typed language. We don’t have to worry about the declarations of the variables in coding. If you see other programming languages like C, C++, Java, etc.., we have to declare the variables using any of the data types supported by that programming language. See example code in language.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
	int a = 1;
	printf("%d", a);
	return 0;

Let’s see the same code in Python.

a = 1

Python will automatically take the type of the variable based on the value. It reduced a lot of time for developers. We don’t have to worry about the kind of data. Just Assign it.


Python follows the programming proverb, i.e., Code Once Run Anywhere. We can use Python on any platform. You need only Python to run any Python code. Python doesn’t care about your platform.

Those are the most popular features of Python. It has a lot of other features that will help to achieve your goals in the development.

What can we do with Python?

We can use Python in most of the software fields. Let’s see the standard and most used areas of Python.

Machine Learning and Data Science

Python is preferred for machine learning and data science.

We can compute complicated math equations using Python effortlessly. We have libraries like pandas, numpy, matplotlib, etc.., which help machine learning engineers and data scientists.

Web Development

There are frameworks out there for web development in Python.

The most popular web frameworks for Python are Django and Flask. Django is a more robust framework than Flask. You can develop a simple website to complex web application using these frameworks.  Both frameworks are beginner-friendly and easy to learn with the documentation.

Web Scraping

Web scraping is one of the main areas of Python.

We can make web crawlers in Python with a library called scrapy, BeautifulSoup4, and many others for scraping the data.


You can do literally anything to automate repetitive sysadmin tasks.

  • Interacting with OS (Windows, UNIX, etc.)
  • Performing maintenance
  • Deploying an application
  • Website testing
  • Downloading data

We can also use Python for GUI (Graphical User Interface) development, Games development with PyGameNetwork programming, etc… You can get a chance to explore the world of Python once you get started.

I hope you get an idea of why Python is getting so much popularity. A growing language like Python will have many resources (paid and free) to learn. That’s a problem for beginners like me (once). We have many options to learn Python. That’s so confusing.

But don’t worry, the following are carefully curated.

Video Courses

We have many websites that provide video courses for free and fee. Let’s see the best courses from them.


Udemy is a website that provides online video courses at a nominal price.

You will find a lot of courses available to learn Python. The most beginner-friendly and less costly course is Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3.

Udemy Python Course

You will get a completion certificate after the completion. But, it doesn’t add any value to your resume. The knowledge that you get from the course is matters, not the certificates.

Go to the course and check the content and what you learn from the course. If you are satisfied with the course structure and preview videos, go for it.


Introduction to Python programming is taught by Georgia Tech. It’s a certification program that can take approx five months by spending 9-10 hours a week.

YouTube video

You are expected to learn fundamentals, control structure, data structure, objects, and algorithms.


Datacamp offers an introduction to Python for data science. The course content is focused on data analysis and scientific computing with NumPy.

You require to have around 4 hours to complete this course, and you can take it anytime from anywhere. You’ll learn various data science tools to store, analyze, and manipulate the data. If you are aiming for a data scientist role, then this is a must.

TalkPython Training

TalkPython training is a course that teaches Python by building projects.

You can learn how to do projects in Python along with the syntax of Python. After completion of this course, you can work on your projects in Python. The course is Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps. The course costs $69 for lifetime access.

Talk Python Training

Before going to take any paid course, check the outline and content of the course.

YouTube Channel

A beginner-friendly Python Tutorials that is completely FREE.

Corey Scharef


Some of you may not like the video courses. If you enjoy reading, then this section is for you.


W3Schools is famous for web development. But in recent times, added new tutorials like Python, Java, C++, C#, etc… You can find the tutorials here. The tutorials are completely free and help you learn Python without any effort.



The tutorials on Programiz are easy to understand and learn. We will find a lot of examples for each concept in the tutorials. It also provides an online interpreter to work with Python. You can see the course here.



Educative is a premium learning platform. You access the course here.

You will learn all the basics of Python and get enough knowledge to improve your Python skills further.


After completing the basics on educative, you will find a lot of other courses to take your Python skills to the next.


If you like to read books, then this section is for you. We are going to see the most popular books to learn Python.

Python Crash Course

Python Crash Course book naturally teaches you Python. You can also work on some projects in the book. Eric Matthes, the author, walks you through different types of projects like game development, data visualization, etc… You can find it on  Amazon.

Python Crash Course Book

Head First Python

Head First Python is a book that teaches Python without getting boring. As the name suggests, it is a brain-friendly book for learning Python. You can get the book from Amazon.

Head First Python


If you want to learn practical things using Python, then this is the best book for you. The book walks through the concepts of Python using practical examples. At the end of this, you can create your projects with the knowledge you got from the book. You can order this book from Amazon.

Automate Boring Stuff With Python

This book is also available on Safari.

Learning Python

Learning Python, 5th Edition, is one the most popular Python books from the O’Reilly publications. You will gain in-depth knowledge using this book. You can buy the book from Amazon.

Learn Python

Online Python Compiler

If you wish to try out some Python Programs without downloading any compiler, we have a Geekflare Online Compiler to help you get some hands-on exercises. 😎


Go through the previews of any courses before getting started. It helps a lot. If you like the way that the author explains things, then go for it. We have plenty of options to learn Python.

You may also refer to the official docs. As a beginner, you may feel it difficult to start with the official documentation. So, I suggest you take anyone from the mentioned list in the article.

I hope you find some valuable resources to start your journey as a Python programmer.

Happy Learning 🙂

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