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Cleanlab obtient 5 millions de dollars, FedML clôture un tour de table de 11.5 millions de dollars et lance ensemble une plateforme pour créer des modèles d'IA

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Cleanlab Secures With $5 Million to Automate Data Curation AI Stack

Cleanlab is an AI startup that specializes in improving Language Models (LLMs) and AI systems by curating data without the need for coding. They use automated techniques to identify and correct labels in datasets, which ultimately improves the performance of machine-learning models dealing with low-quality data.

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Selon l'entreprise Articles, Cleanlab recently secured $5 million in seed funding from investors like Bain Capital Ventures and angel investors.

It has gained the trust of Fortune 100 companies such as Google, Amazon, Oracle, Red Hat, and others. Cleanlab streamlines the implementation of AI solutions, like LLMs, ML models, and business intelligence analytics, by enhancing reliability and accuracy through metadata augmentation.

FedML Closes $11.5 Million Seed Round to Build Custom AI Models

FedML is a startup that offers companies the opportunity to train, deploy, monitor, and improve AI models. Recently, as per Actualités, the company secured $11.5 million in seed funding led by Camford Capital along with Road Capital and Finality Capital.


Creating and maintaining custom AI data models can be quite expensive due to the costs associated with data and infrastructure. However, FedML aims to overcome these challenges by promoting collaboration among companies and developers through shared data and computing resources.

By utilizing the FedMLs platform, developers and organizations can develop personalized AI models at a reduced cost. The platform’s training, deployment, and monitoring capabilities enable the utilization of data, models, and computation across locations. Ultimately this approach significantly reduces both the time taken for product launches and associated expenses.

Together AI Launches a Full Stack for Developers to Build With Open-Source AI

Together AI has introduced cloud services that are user-friendly, dependable, and cost-effective for training, optimization, and utilization of open-source AI models. The Société has raised $20 Million in a seed funding round led by Lux Capital.

The cloud services offered by Together API and Together Compute aim to make AI models more accessible and affordable. They address the limitations often associated with APIs by providing analysis, customization, and adaptation options for cutting-edge AI models.

The development of customized models usually requires expertise and resources, which can be quite expensive. Additionally, they offer secure API endpoints that are optimized for low latency enabling developers to swiftly and effectively deploy their models.

Currently, the company hosts a collection of over 50 models, including ones like RedPajama, LLaMA, Falcon, and Stable Diffusion.

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