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Master Vue JS With These Courses and Books [2023]

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Vue JS is a progressive, front-end Javascript framework used for building interactive user interfaces and single-page applications (SPSs), whether simple or complex. Where developing technologies is complex, the signature of this framework is its simplicity. 

In 2014, Evan You, who was working with AngularJS at Google, designed this notably lightweight framework picking up the features of Angular, like the concept of templates, components, and dependency injection, and ReactJS, the idea of props, component-based approach. This versatile framework builds web, desktop, and mobile apps with Electron, Tauri, and Ionic Vue.

It is an open-source, model-view-model fast-growing Javascript framework that’s increasing at an average of 135% compared to other frameworks. A survey done in 2022 reports it is the 6th most popular framework among developers holding 18.82% of total responses.

Another report says it is the 2nd most popular frontend framework. Vue.js has a record of having the most stars on for the past five years. The community is rapidly evolving with the release of Vue JS 3.0 in September 2018.  

Importance of Vue JS


Vue Js is gaining popularity because it is easy to understand and learn. It does not require in-depth knowledge of TypeScript, JSX, and libraries. It is lightweight, which makes its library quick and easy to download and install.

One of the advantages of Vue JS is that all the functions a developer will ever need are easily and freely accessible. This technology can launch mobile apps faster than React and Angular.

Features of Vue JS

Following are some of the key features of Vue JS:

  • Data Binding: With the help of the v-bind directive, Vue JS offers the feature to assign values to HTML attributes, assign classes, and change the style.
  • Event Handling: Vue JS attributes ‘v-on’ and ‘$emit’ allow effortless and straightforward communication between component hierarchies.
  • Transitions: Vue JS provides various techniques to transition to HTML elements when they are removed or updated from DOM.
  • Computed Properties: This feature allows users to change the user interface elements and perform all important calculations.    
  • Components: Vue JS allows the creation of custom elements that can be reused in HTML. 
  • Custom Directives: Vue JS has integrated directives v-show, v-on, v-else, v-if, v-bind, and v-model to perform various actions on frontend development.

Uses of Vue JS

VueJS is best for the rapid delivery of ideas and MVPs of startups. The best use of VueJS is for developing small-scale to medium-scale apps for which it offers an easy learning curve and cost-effective solution. Following are some instances to understand when to use Vue JS:

  • Prototyping with basic skills
  • Unified integration with various apps
  • Accelerate App development and launch MVP
  • Interactive elements and animation

Here are some courses and books to help you learn this technology:

Vue – The Complete Guide


If you are starting to learn Vue JS, this Powerful and super-engaging course will significantly impact your future steps. This course is curated by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, a 5-star rated bestselling online instructor and the CEO of Academind.

He took utmost care in teaching the latest version of Vue JS from scratch to the advanced concepts like the Composition API introduced with Vue 3. Holding an average of 4.7 rating from around 60 thousand learners, this course is one of the most lucrative courses on Udemy.

Here’s a sneak peek at the course:

  • This course covers basics, including basic Syntax, Understanding Templates, DOM Interaction with Vue JS to advance, and behind the scene topics like learning and deploying authentication, animation, transition, creating Multi- and Single-Page-Applications, and more. 
  • This project-based course houses excellent explanations and construction of the topics, building your base and allowing you to make simple to advanced vue.js applications confidently.
  • The course contains around 31.5 hours of on-demand video with 67 articles covering Vue 2 and Vue 3 parts, including the brand-new Composition API.
  • Maximilian keeps the course up-to-date; there is rarely any outdated content.

This in-depth course will require basic HTML, JavaScript, and CSS knowledge, and knowing ES6 will help you comprehend. You can avail of this course in German, Spanish,  Italian, Japanese, Polish, Indonesian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Turkish, apart from English.

Complete Vue Developer

This is another one of the popular courses on Udemy available to master Vue JS. This 29-hour comprehensive course featuring the all-new Vue 3.0 is offered by ZTM Academy, one of the fastest-growing education platforms in the world.


Real-world experts like Andrei Neagoie and Luis Ramirez Jr teach this course, who worked in Silicon Valley and Toronto with Vue JS. Graduates from ZTM Academy are now working at several top tech companies. Some are working as freelancers while working remotely around the world. 

Here’s a sneak peek at the course:

  • This course teaches you from learning the fundamentals of Vue JS and creating a CSS Perspective Playground to diving into the inner workings of the Vue framework, learning about the tools and advanced components, creating and deploying projects, and learning the latest features with Vue 3, including Composition API, Pinia, Vue Router and more.
  • This course focuses on efficiency; you’ll learn to build modern professional apps using Vue.
  • This project-based course will familiarize you with the contemporary Vue JS toolchain developers use.
  • This course will allow you to build substantial, full-stack music apps similar to Spotify using Vue, Vuex, Vue Router, Composition API, Firebase, Jest, Sass + more.
  • This course will provide a certificate on completion, and the projects the curriculum covers will make your portfolio and resume stand out.
  • ZTM Academy claims this course will get you into the top 10% of Vue developers from an absolute beginner. 

This course assumes you have basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge, but you do not need any experience with Vue or any other framework. The course is available only in English. 

Vue Masterclass

If you like a well-prepared, disciplined approach, the Vue Masterclass course is for you. The author of this course, Boris PasKhaver, is a software engineer by profession who follows a comprehensive and step-by-step approach to creating courses. 


Here’s a sneak peek at the course:

  • This course will enable you to create a complete, real-world Vue application using Vue, Pinia, Vue Router, and more and covers both Vue 2’s Options API and Vue 3’s Composition API.
  • This 98-hour course comprehensively introduces the powerful VueJS library for building dynamic, reactive front-end interfaces, taking you on a hands-on journey through real-world use cases for Vue.js.
  • You’ll master modern front-end technologies like TailwindCSS, TypeScript, and Prettier in this course.
  • The author made this course special by emphasizing testing Vue applications using Vitest and Vue Testing Library and testing methodologies, including test-driven development(TDD).
  • Vue Masterclass consists of a complete real-world project, and the author will be coding from scratch alongside the learners.

This course is beginner-friendly; basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6 features) & Terminal is required and available only in English.

Learn Vue.js

Codecademy is a respectable, online interactive platform that offers career-focused quality programming courses. It is a perfect starting point for beginners; you can quickly practice coding and review coding concepts with Codecademy.


The short and simple curriculum of the course is focused on making front-end web apps using Vue.js with ease, and it is completely free.

Here’s a sneak peek at the course:

  • The course interface is highly engaging, allowing you to read, code, and see the output side by side, splitting the screen into three vertical sections.
  • The course teaches you features like components, the virtual DOM, data-binding, and more.
  • You’ll learn to work with dynamic data using the Vue.js framework and to incorporate forms.
  • It teaches you to add CSS classes to HTML elements for dynamic styling in Vue.
  • This course includes quizzes with each module to test how well you absorbed the concepts.

The course is only available in English, and you’ll earn a certificate of completion after finishing the course.

Vue.js Fundamentals

Vue School is another dedicated platform to learn Vue JS with an impressive UI. The Vue.js Fundamentals course from Vue School is an excellent pick for absolute beginners to build the fundamental concepts of Vue JS.


This course is curated by Nick Basile, Alex Kyriakidis, and Rolf Haug, experienced experts in the industry. If you are just starting your journey with Vue and have basic knowledge in HTML, CSS, and  Javascript, it will help you to get a solid foundation for Vue JS.

Here’s a sneak peek at the course:

  • This course teaches two-way data binding, template syntax and expressions usage, Vue directives, loops, conditional rendering, Vue Devtools, Vue.js Methods, Computed Properties Attribute Bindings, and dynamic classes.
  • Vue School offers a clean and beautiful interface that makes learning easy and engaging. You don’t need to sign up and can complete the course within half an hour.
  • This course contains ten tutorial videos covering different topics of Vue JS basics, each with explicit explanations.
  • You can communicate with authors and comment on the topics quickly, and the website allows you to download the source codes.

The course is only available in English.

Learning Vue.js

This informative course will help you grow as a versatile front-end developer using Vue JS. The instructor of this course, Michael Sullivan, is a Microsoft Certified Professional and Senior Web Developer who spent five years teaching web designing.


This course is for intermediate learners already working with any particular framework and wanting to shift to another one or those looking for a comfortable one. 

Here’s a sneak peek at the course:

  • This course contains lucid video tutorials and a project file. The interface allows you to ask questions, take notes, and read the transcript while watching videos.
  • This course explains managing form controls and dynamic attributes of HTML elements. You’ll learn how to take advantage of Vue’s powerful reactivity system.
  • You’ll learn to add the Vue framework to a web page and manage basic data binding and control logic.
  • This course covers the component system in Vue, including the Vue CLI tool. The component system can help you create modular, reusable code to clean up and simplify your front-end code.

As a prerequisite, you should know basic HTML and CSS. The course also requires experience in Javascript (ES2015/ES6). Having skills in the command line, Node.JS, and the npm package manager will help comprehend most parts of the tutorial using a text editor and a browser.

Vue.js 3 By Example

Apart from courses, Vue.js 3 By Example is a great insightful book that covers Vue 3 and its integration with modern web technologies such as Electron, GraphQL, Ionic, and Laravel. The author of this book John Au-Yeung has an MSc in Information Science and BSc in Mathematics.

The book is a reflection of his extensive experience with Vue JS. After studying this book, you will have all the real-world skills to create full-stack web apps with Vue.js 3.0.

Here’s a sneak peek at the book:

  • The author took an example-based approach to make the learners explore Vue 3.0 by creating simple applications and looking at features such as components, directives, and their approach. The book also teaches using Jest and Vue Test Utils to test the app.
  • You’ll learn to write non-web apps with Vue 3 and create cross-platform desktops with the Electron plugin.
  • It teaches you to create a multi-purpose mobile app with Vue and Ionic.
  • You can build web apps that interact well with GraphQL APIs.
  • You’ll also learn to build a real-time chat app that performs real-time communication using Vue and Laverral.

You must know Javascript programming to get the most out of this book. Those with a general idea of Vue and building web apps will benefit from this book to better grasp Vue’s architecture, components, props, directives, mixins, and other advanced features.

Fullstack Vue

Fullstack Vue is an informative and engaging book that will build your skill to make powerful, reliable apps using Vue. The author Hassan Djirdeh is a front-end developer based out of Toronto and one of Canada’s 30 under 30 developer award winners (2019). He maintained a thorough interest throughout the book. 

Here’s a sneak peek at the book:

  • This book will give you a better grasp of handling user interaction, working with single-file components, understanding simple state management, and how custom events work.
  • You’ll learn to integrate Vuex into a server-persisted app, manage rich forms, build a multi-page app with client-side routing, and test Vue apps using Unit Tests.
  • This book comes with a library of runnable code examples available to download.

The book is an excellent pick for beginners and intermediate learners; it will build a great foundation and will help in mastering the framework single-handedly.

Vue.js: Up and Running

If you want a crisp and concise book, Vue.js: Up and Running is an absolute choice. The author of the book Callum Macrae is a Javascript developer by profession.

With only 150 pages, this is a go-to book for learning Vue, and Callum provides all the knowledge you need to know. It also covers a good number of example snippets throughout the book.

 Here’s a sneak peek at the book:

  • The book has covered the basics of Vue JS, including the installation process and introduction of Vue into a webpage.
  • It covers creating a maintainable and understandable codebase, styling with Vue, rendering functions, and using JSX syntax in Vue applications with clear explanations.
  • It also covers Client-side Routing with Vue-router, State Management with Vuex, and Testing Vue Components.
  • This book also contains the differences and similarities between Vue and ReactJS, which will be helpful if you already know ReactJS.

If you are familiar with HTML and Javascript and looking to upgrade your knowledge by learning the Vue framework, This book is for you. The code examples are written using ES2015 and contain language features such as const, fat-arrow functions, and destructuring. You won’t be disappointed if you have these prerequisites under your belt.

Final Words

These excellent courses will help you become an expert in Vue JS and guide you in learning all its necessary skills. The technology is excellent and offers some great perks like simplicity, speed, and support from its community and libraries.

Implementing Vue JS requires a deeper understanding, reviewing and choosing the best resources mentioned in the article, and a start learning the technology.

You may also explore some books and courses to learn NumPy.

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